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Arrecife 40 Pop

  |   Music

The eighth edition of Arrecife 40 Pop, one of the islands’ festivals with the most history produced and organized by ‘Los 40’ returns to the beach of El Reducto this Friday June 24th, after having become the benchmark musical event to celebrate the arrival of summer on the islands and as always, with free access.

However, this edition is different to previous years as with the aim of improving every year, we have perhaps gotten the best lineup. This year as a main act we welcome DJ Carlos Jean, one of the most important and versatile music producers of Spain.

As if this were not enough, June 24th will also welcome MORAT in the Reducto Beach, the upcoming Latin band that is gaining recognition in our country with their strong new single “Como te atreves” which has already reached No. 1 on iTunes and whose music video has more than 5 million hits.

Arrecife Pop 40 2016, will be broadcasted on ‘Los 40 Canarias’ for its nearly 300,000 listeners and will be recorded and edited on the website of clickandroll.es

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