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Lanzarote Information

5 Lanzarote Facts

  |   Lanzarote Information

1. Location, location, location Lanzarote is a Spanish island, the easternmost of the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean. It is located approximately 125 kilometres (78 miles) off the coast of Africa and is the 4th largest Island of the Canary Islands which covers an area...

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Lanzarote for Wine Lovers

  |   Lanzarote Information

Wine has been produced in the Canary Islands for over 500 years and they are home to some of Europe's oldest vines. Lanzarote is fairly new to winemaking compared to the other Canary islands. A series of volcanic eruptions in the 18th century made it hard...

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Lanzarote for Windsurfing

  |   Lanzarote Information, Sport

Lanzarote is located in the middle of the Atlantic Sea, and has perfect conditions for Windsurfing. Las Cucharas beach in Costa Teguise is very popular for Windsurfers and has a windsurfing club and schools to teach beginners. Lanzarote offers perfect wind and wave conditions for...

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