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The amazing benefits of yoga

  |   Health, Lanzarote Information, Sport

Yoga is good for your mind, body and soul and Lanzarote is the perfect place to practice.   There is nothing better than practicing yoga on a beach with the waves crashing and taking in a beautiful magical sunrise or a captivating sunset.  Yoga suits all age groups and has many amazing benefits, we have listed some of the benefits of yoga below:-

  • Increases body awareness
  • Increases body strength, flexibility & balance
  • Energises the body
  • Increases circulation
  • Improves joint mobility
  • Promotes better breathing
  • Reduces stress
  • Improves concentration
  • Helps to relieve anxiety
  • Encourages balance
  • Inspires creativity
  • Builds awareness of your surroundings and interaction with the world

Please click on the link below for a list of Yoga classes and teachers available in Lanzarote:-

Yoga classes in Lanzarote

The information, opinions and views expressed in the above articles are those of the author only and are for guidance purposes only.  The authors disclaim any liability for reliance upon those opinions and information and would encourage readers to rely upon more than one source before making a decision based on any information given.


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