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Hot Hot Hot – advice for taking care in the Lanzarote sunshine

  |   Lanzarote Information

Things are hotting up nicely in Lanzarote this week with temperatures forecast to reach 28º

Sunburn is really not a good look and so dangerous for our skin and sun stroke is absolutely no fun, so we have provided a few tips to keep safe in the Lanzarote heat:-

  • Put your sun screen on first thing in the morning before you get dressed.
  • Use a high factor, particularly on sensitive areas such as face and neck, chest, shoulders and knees. Children’s skin is particularly vulnerable so always use a           factor 30 or above. Sun factors below 15 have very little effect in protecting skin.
  • Re-apply sun screen regularly, particularly if you’re using the showers and pools.
  • Wear a sun hat to protect the top of your head, the back of your neck and your face from the sun.
  • Limit the number of hours you spend in full sun, particularly between 11am and 3pm.
  • Drink lots of water. In climates such as ours it’s recommended that you drink 2 litres of water a day.  Avoid caffeine, tea and alcohol until the day begins to               cool down.
  • If you fancy a siesta – head to the shade.

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