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5 benefits of being by the sea

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As we are all aware living by the ocean boosts mental health and creates a happy and a more relaxed approach to life.  This now has been scientifically proven and it is reported that there is a link between the visibility of water and health benefits which Scientists call “Blue Space”.


The research shows how the sound of waves alters wave patterns in the brain lulling a person into a deeply relaxed state. Relaxing in this way can help rejuvenate the mind and body.


Also, floating in the sea diverts blood from the lower limbs and pumps it towards the abdominal region – the part of the body near the heart – because we are no longer standing upright.  This fresh blood brings more oxygen to the brain making people more alert and active.


Professor Amber Pearson, of Michigan State University in the USA, said: “Increased views of blue space is significantly associated with lower levels of psychological distress.


Studies have already shown sea air is good for a sound sleep because it is charged with healthy negative ions that accelerate the ability to absorb oxygen.  The chemicals also balance levels of serotonin, a hormone linked with mood and stress. Which is why after a holiday people feel more alert, relaxed and energised.


Top 5 benefits

  1.  Living by the beach encourages physical activity, and outdoor activities, leading to a healthier lifestyle.


  1.  The ocean has been proven to inspire creative thinking, reduce anxiety, and promote compassionate thinking.


  1.  The salty sea air by the sea does wonders for the respiratory system and those with asthma, bronchitis, sinus pressure, and coughing will notice a difference in their condition after just one day at the beach.  Ocean air also contains negatively charged hydrogen ions that help absorb oxygen and balance out serotonin levels, resulting in more energy and diminished depression.


  1.  Swimming in the ocean enhances the immune system, hydrates skin, and boosts circulation. Seawater that is rich in magnesium also has been shown to relax muscles and helps induce sleep.


  1.  The reflection of the sun off of the sand and the ocean is a great way to get your daily dose of vitamin D.  Vitamin D from the sun improves autoimmune protection, increases endorphins, lowers the risk of cancer, and enhances bone health.

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